Tibia Brasil

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Tibia Brasil


    Tibiaauto 8.7


    Mensagens : 20
    Data de inscrição : 17/12/2010

    Tibiaauto 8.7 Empty Tibiaauto 8.7

    Mensagem  Awer077 Sex Dez 17, 2010 7:20 pm

    Tibia Auto
    1. You may have 2 tibia folders say C:\Tibia and C:\Program Files\Tibia
    If you place tiiba auto in C:\Tibia but your shortcut on desktop is to programfiles tibia folder it will not work with that tibia

    Solution Uninstall Tibia
    2. Install tibia to C:\Program Files\Tibia
    3. Place newly extracted Tibia auto to Tibia folder
    4. Run tibia log into your account
    5. Run Tibia auto
    6. Minimize tibia (Somtimes it comes up with a little error can't load blabla so you minimize press ok)
    7. Walah your done
    Extra Steps
    If it still hasn't loaded you may have opened tibia auto twice.....
    8. CTRL + ALT + DELETE then click the processes tab and locate Tibiaauto and end task for all
    9. Repeat steps 5-6


      Data/hora atual: Dom Set 29, 2024 3:27 am